YTSA - 約克大學台灣同學會
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Summer YTSA!
How's everyone's summer going? Enjoying the sunshine? Stay tune for the upcoming summer events. You wouldn't want to miss any (;
YTSA PRESENTS: 星光大道 Singing Competition

Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:11 pm by Jnodole


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(已結束)2nd Annual International Students Gala‏

Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:10 pm by Jnodole

YTSA, YUCCSA, Chinese Culture Club, UTSA New College, York International are proud to present to everyone the 2nd Annual International Students Gala. This is an open event to everyone who is either …

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(已結束) YTSA 2012 CLUBS DAY Empty


(已結束) YTSA 2012 CLUBS DAY

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(已結束) YTSA 2012 CLUBS DAY Empty (已結束) YTSA 2012 CLUBS DAY

Post by jonjon229 Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:42 pm

Date: September 12th (Wednesday)
Time: 10-4pm
Location: Campus Walk. We are in front of Curtis Lecture Hall(CLH) / across from Lassond Building (LSB).
Facebook Event Page:

新的一年來囉 Very Happy 不要錯過一年一度的約克大學社團博覽會!!

YTSA會在9月12號 星期三 YORKfest Clubs Day上設置攤位.
在YTSA的攤位上會有9月28號orientation的詳細資料,歡迎到攤位來sign up, 同時也可以用優惠價格預購orientation當天的便當喔Smile 當然也不能忽略了今年眾多的贊助商折扣資料,想知道YTSA會員卡可以享有什麼優惠嗎? 開學了覺得很鬱悶需要點熱情嗎? 來YTSA booth就對囉!

Welcome back everyone!!

Are you new to York or feel that the fun wasn't enough last year? If yes, you are at the right place Very Happy

YTSA is back and we have so much more to offer you this year! Come find us, the MOST passionate club on YORKfest clubs day on Wednesday, September 12th from 10am to 4:00pm at Campus Walk Wink We are in front of Curtis Lecture Hall(CLH) / across from Lassond Building (LSB).

Everything you wish to know is at our booth. We will be having our 2012 orientation on Friday, September 28th. Join us to receive many discounts and benefits on our future events. Come order your delicious Taiwanese style bento for orientation at a discounted price at our booth.

10 TYP
10 TYP

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注冊日期 : 2011-10-08
來自 : 台灣

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