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Summer YTSA!暑假來咯!喜歡外出的朋友們千萬別錯過我們暑假的活動!
How's everyone's summer going? Enjoying the sunshine? Stay tune for the upcoming summer events. You wouldn't want to miss any (;
(已結束)2nd Annual International Students Gala
Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:10 pm by Jnodole
YTSA, YUCCSA, Chinese Culture Club, UTSA New College, York International are proud to present to everyone the 2nd Annual International Students Gala. This is an open event to everyone who is either …
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(已結束) YTSA So You Think You Can Win
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(已結束) YTSA So You Think You Can Win
York university Underground: Chancellor's Room
YTSA Proudly Presents: So You Think You Can Win?
Hello lovely YTSA members!!
Are you still looking for something to celebrate the end of school year with?If cards and mah-jong are your game, come and celebrate with us @ Student Centre room 313!!!
This month we will be hosting a Vegas-style bento event along with Taiwanese snacks. Choose your favourite 4, from our menu:
1) Taiwanese Sausage
2) Fried Chicken Fillet
3) Popcorn Chicken
4) Minced Pork and Noodles
5) Milk Custard Toast
*Each order comes with Pop or Water*
We offer 3 exciting games, Mah-jong, Blackjack and Texas Hold’em Poker for everyone to enjoy.
For beginners who just want to try their luck; or professionals who enjoy the thrill of betting the max. Pull up a seat to your favorite game and come have a good time with us.
Date: Wednesday, March 27th,2013
Time: 1pm-5pm
Location: York University Underground: Chancellor's Room
Fees: members $ 8, non-members $10
Hello~ 我們最愛的YTSA member!!
時間過得真快, 一轉眼大學生涯又少一年了...
但是沒關係, YTSA永遠在這裡為你的大學生活增添樂趣以及意想不到的驚喜!!
為了讓你為今年畫下一個美好的句點, 我們決定舉辨一個拉斯維加斯 style的casino!!
除了有必備的poker, 簡單容易上手的21點還有我們的國粹-- 麻將!!!
當然也少不了吃的~ 當天現場會有專人為你提供台灣小吃
初學者歡迎來碰碰運氣, 專業級的怎麼會想錯過和對手切磋切磋的好機會呢~ 現在趕快移動你的腳步到我們的booth sign up吧!!
日期: 3月27日(三)
時間: 1pm-5pm
地點: York University Underground: Chancellor's Room
費用: 會員$8 , 非會員$10
(由於學校規定不能有聚賭之行為, 所以我們準備了各種大獎小獎等你拿)
YTSA Proudly Presents: So You Think You Can Win?
Hello lovely YTSA members!!
Are you still looking for something to celebrate the end of school year with?If cards and mah-jong are your game, come and celebrate with us @ Student Centre room 313!!!
This month we will be hosting a Vegas-style bento event along with Taiwanese snacks. Choose your favourite 4, from our menu:
1) Taiwanese Sausage
2) Fried Chicken Fillet
3) Popcorn Chicken
4) Minced Pork and Noodles
5) Milk Custard Toast
*Each order comes with Pop or Water*
We offer 3 exciting games, Mah-jong, Blackjack and Texas Hold’em Poker for everyone to enjoy.
For beginners who just want to try their luck; or professionals who enjoy the thrill of betting the max. Pull up a seat to your favorite game and come have a good time with us.
Date: Wednesday, March 27th,2013
Time: 1pm-5pm
Location: York University Underground: Chancellor's Room
Fees: members $ 8, non-members $10
Hello~ 我們最愛的YTSA member!!
時間過得真快, 一轉眼大學生涯又少一年了...
但是沒關係, YTSA永遠在這裡為你的大學生活增添樂趣以及意想不到的驚喜!!
為了讓你為今年畫下一個美好的句點, 我們決定舉辨一個拉斯維加斯 style的casino!!
除了有必備的poker, 簡單容易上手的21點還有我們的國粹-- 麻將!!!
當然也少不了吃的~ 當天現場會有專人為你提供台灣小吃
初學者歡迎來碰碰運氣, 專業級的怎麼會想錯過和對手切磋切磋的好機會呢~ 現在趕快移動你的腳步到我們的booth sign up吧!!
日期: 3月27日(三)
時間: 1pm-5pm
地點: York University Underground: Chancellor's Room
費用: 會員$8 , 非會員$10
(由於學校規定不能有聚賭之行為, 所以我們準備了各種大獎小獎等你拿)
howard3108- 11.5 TYP
- 文章數 : 57
注冊日期 : 2011-10-09
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